
Finance Consulting

Finance Consulting

The health of a company and its ability to generate value in the course of time can be measured and assessed by the various system operators on the basis of the operational cash flow which it generates now and in the future.

Short and medium to long term financial balance, the optimisation of the monetary cycle, the consistency of the financial structure with the nature of the capital invested, ability to interact proactively with the financial stakeholders, and an understanding of and ability to identify the most suitable financial instruments within the context are strategic levers which an enterprise and its management have to grasp and govern as effectively as possible.

With its dedicated team of specialist professionals, Cortellazzo&Soatto assists enterprises and management in the ordinary management of corporate and group finance - including the implementation of treasury plans, cash pooling, definition of the most appropriate credit line structure and rating advisory services - and in extraordinary financial transactions, with the drafting and application of the IT model for the planning and control of financial dynamics and assistance in the delicate structuring and restructuring of banking and non-banking sources of funding, the identification of the most appropriate financial partners at any given time and the management of relations with all the operators concerned.

These are our services:

  • Corporate treasury and finance
  • Group financial management
  • Management of relations with financial stakeholders
  • Financial partner search and selection
  • Credit risk